Business coach, mentor, photographer, podcaster, & your personal cheerleader.

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Discover what really lights you up.

It’s scary going out on your own. Whether you know exactly what it is you want to do in business or not, I can help you discover the true things that light you up and show you how far they can take you. We work on getting clarity around your passion, your goals and specific steps you’ll need to get there.

Don’t wait to live the life you’ve always wanted.

It’s one thing to know what your goals are for your business, it’s another thing to actually reach them. We’ll map out business and financial goals that make sense for your business and create a plan to get there so you can achieve the freedom in life you’ve always wanted.


“It’s amazing what I was able to overcome in my business and within myself by working with Dana!”

—Katy F.

Listen to the Podcast.

“Follow the Breadcrumbs” podcast is all about learning from other entrepreneurs and to realize that we’re all going through this together. We all have the same struggles and by learning and growing, we can all be successful at what we do.


From the blog…

Try a session for free and take a step towards your new life.

See if working together is right for you.


